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: http://www.momoshop.com.tw/goods/GoodsDetail.jsp?i_code=2211731&memid=6000007870&cid=apuad&oid=1&osm=league 【X-BIONIC】EFFECTOR-MAN 全拉式機能短衣

Step beyond the current limits of physics? All clear ahead! Effektor™ Biking Powershirt®. You'll pull away effortlessly from the competition wearing the Effektor™ Biking Powershirt®. That's because Effektor™ Technology increases your performance ability, allowing you to reach a higher athletic level more quickly. No matter if you are a time trial specialist, sprinter, power hill climber or take part in one-day road races. With the Effektor™ Biking Powershirt®, you gain strength and conditioning. Its secret is the unrivaledX-Bionic® partial compression.It puts pressure on your muscles just via 1-mm-wide ridges. That reduces muscle vibrations, improves the uptake of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, and enables faster regeneration. The3D-BionicSphere® systemon the chest and back also enables continuous air circulation, allowing sweat to evaporate and unleash its important cooling power. That saves valuable energy needed by the body for competition. Effektor™ thus prevents early onset of fatigue, even in the hardest races.
3D-BionicSphere® system:Without giving the body the impression that it is getting cold, fresh air from the 3D-BionicSphere® System in the chest area cools down the body temperature. The air is tempered inside the ducts, working like a sluice. Hot, moist air is disposed of using the dynamics of body warmth and then replaced with new fresh air. On the back it guarantees effective ventilation so moisture is quickly wicked and transported away. No sweat means insulating air pockets in the wavelike structure protect against cold.
Neural response effect:Partial Compression puts peripheral nerve cells in a constant state of readiness, optimises the exchange of neural impulses between muscles and brain, increases muscle reactions, contractions and coordination, and decreases the risk of injury and exhaustion.
ISO-Shoulder™:The wavelike structure of the ISO-Shoulder™ lies over the shoulders, keeping the body warm and guarding against chills.
SweatTraps®:Trap perspiration before you start to feel it. Sweat is wicked away so it can evaporate using heat dynamics. A film of perspiration - too thin to be noticeable - is left behind to cool the skin.
X-Bionic® partial compression:A new benchmark in compression technology. Partial Compression by X-Bionic® utilizes the advantages of compression without neglecting cooling.
37° CCR-Technology™:The effector technology responds precisely and support the body in maintaining its optimal performance temperature of 37°C. A controlled heat rejection without becoming hypothermic is the proof that you can save valuable energy for your performance.
AirConditioning Channel®:The AirConditioning Channel® is a ventilation system of channels that flow around the body, continuously carrying away moisture and warmth. It allows air to flow to body regions not normally accessible by fresh air circulation.
Pockets:Three practical rear pockets are positioned so they remain accessible but do not restrict a cyclist′s freedom of movement. Elastic cords ensure your gear stays put.
HeatTransfer Zone:Optimal heat dissipation.
SkinNODORsilver ions reduce bacterial growth and provide softness and an excellent fit.
Fit/cut:The X-Bionic Effektor Biking Powershirt offers a sporty and tight fit for enhanced cycling performance.
Material: 88?olyamide, 8?lastane, 4?olypropylene